[Mapserver-users] Raster Projection

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu Jan 23 11:58:18 PST 2003

randy james wrote:
> Hi List
> I have some orthophotos in geotiff format. Some are in
> albers equal area and some are UTM, projection. H have
> been trying to reproject on the fly, but i cannot seem
> to  get it to work. The map projection is UTM so i do
> not have a problem with the orthos that are already in
> UTM, but cannot get the AEA orthos to load.
> Been reading the list, and seen that raster layers are
> used as is and cannot be reprojected on the fly. Is
> this correct?
> Is it possible to use shape tile index on the
> orthophotos, and reproject the shape file? I thought
> someone may have tried, if not i'll give it a try
> today.


MapServer configured with PROJ and GDAL support (and TIFF disabled)
can reproject rasters on the fly; however, there are some limitations.

  o You can't generally mix images in different projections in an index
  o A given raster layer can only have one projections.
  o If the file is handled through the non-GDAL TIFF driver reprojection
    won't be supported.
  o This stuff works in 3.6.x and 3.7dev and is likely working best in the 3.7

Basicially, if you want to do this you will need to make a separate layer
for each raster input projection you want to work with.

You may contact me directly for further assistance if needed.

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
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