[Mapserver-users] filter and itemnquery

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Fri Jan 24 11:07:51 PST 2003

How are you setting the filter, and what exactly are you setting it to?
Examples and/or
map file snippets would be helpful.


>>> Michael Schulz <mschulz at webgis.de> 01/24/03 09:17AM >>>
Hi folks,

for a while i am struggling now with itemnquery and filter
I am using MS 3.6.3.
I want to query a layer with county names, to only show those that
with a certain letter. MS-cgi complains that i need to set a filter
the query layer, but when i set this filter, i can't get it to work
regular expressions (that work if i use them in a class expressions),
only recognizes simple string comparisons on the complete attribute
Please shed some light on this topic.

TIA, Michael

Michael Schulz                                in medias res
Dipl.-Geologe                              Gesellschaft für
                                Informationstechnologie mbH
                             Sautierstr. 38, 79104 Freiburg
                                     0761 55695-95 (Fax 96)
mschulz at webgis.de                             www.webgis.de 

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