[Mapserver-users] SVG.Open 2003 Call for Participation

Stefan F. Keller sfkeller at hsr.ch
Sun Jan 26 19:42:12 EST 2003

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Allow me to cross-post a CfP:

Anyone going to present UNN MapServer's SVG-output functionality 
or respective extension plans?

Yours, Stefan 
Prof. Stefan F. Keller, Computer Science, HSR, http://www.integis.ch 

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Subject: SVG.Open 2003 Call for Participation
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Announcing SVG Open 2003, the 2nd Annual Conference on Scalable Vector 
Graphics!  The conference will be held July 13-18, 2003 at a scenic seaside 
resort in Vancouver, Canada.  For full details on the conference, tune your 
Browser to the conference Web site:


If you have ideas, experience, products or strategies involving SVG, then this 
is your chance to tell the world! Come to share your valuable information with 
a diverse worldwide community of SVG developers, designers and users at this 
annual forum on all things Scalable, Vectorial and Graphical.

We invite all those interested in

     presenting a paper, 
     teaching a course, 
     exhibiting at a booth, or 
     sponsoring the conference 

to submit your proposals now.  Just follow the instructions at


The deadline for submitting paper abstracts and course outlines is February 28, 
2003, so don't delay.


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an exciting new World Wide Web Consortium 
(W3C) open standard enabling high-quality, dynamic, interactive, stylable 
graphics to be delivered over the Web using accessible, human-readable XML.

SVG Open 2003 Conference delegates will have the opportunity to learn about the 
SVG standard, how to use it to create effective and compelling Web content, 
techniques for developing SVG software solutions, and the latest developments 
from the W3C. They will meet the authors of the SVG specifications and the 
creators of SVG applications in person, and they will have the opportunity to 
provide input for future development. At the SVG Open 2003 Exhibition, 
delegates will get a chance to see the newest SVG applications and tools at 
work, and they will hear early announcements of upcoming SVG product releases. 
SVG Open 2003 courses will enlighten on SVG, XML and related standards, graphic 
design and Web application design. Courses will be available at both 
introductory and advanced levels, in order to serve the needs of all conference 


The conference will be of interest to the following groups of individuals:
- Software developers 
- Web and UI designers 
- Web application developers 
- Graphic artists 
- Creators of database-driven content and applications 
- Creators of mobile computing solutions 
- Specialists in Geographic Information Systems, Computer-Aided Design, 
modelling, publishing, multimedia and other fields involving professional 
- Creators and users of data visualization solutions, including business 
charting, scientific graphing, schematics, maps, etc.


The conference is an SVG community project hosted by SchemaSoft 
(http://www.schemasoft.com) and co-hosted by the World Wide Web Consortium 
(http://www.w3.org).  Significant supporting roles are played by Department of 
Computer Science - University of Victoria (http://www.uvic.ca), Institute of 
Cartography - ETH Zurich (http://www.karto.ethz.ch), Vancouver XML Developers 
Association (http:www.vanx.org) and other organizations.


For conference program and Web site inquiries, please e-mail 
svgopen at schemasoft.com or call SchemaSoft: tel (604)682-3404 x105 / fax (604)

For exhibition and sponsorship inquiries, please e-mail congress at venuewest.com 
with "SVG Open 2003" in the subject line, or call Paul Morris at Venue West: 
tel (604)681-5226 / fax (604)681-2503.

The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards. 
-- Arthur Koestler  
Andreas Neumann - Department of Cartography 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) 
ETH Hoenggerberg, CH-8093  Zurich, Switzerland 
Phone: ++41-1-633 3031, Fax: ++41-1-633 1153 
e-mail: neumann\\@karto.baug.ethz.ch 
www: http://www.karto.ethz.ch/neumann/ 
SVG.Open/Carto.net: http://www.svgopen.org/ 


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