[Mapserver-users] Raster geotiff turns background yellow
Stepan Kafka
stepan.kafka at centrum.cz
Sun Jan 26 23:12:23 PST 2003
Hi Randy,
I had the same problem with rasters exported from GRASS. The problem is, I
think, on the GRASS side, you can check it by opening the raster in the some
picture-viewer. I think taht the problem is in setting the same color to
both palette colors 0 and 1. I solved it by changing GRASS palette not to
use color 0.
Good luck
Stepan Kafka
Help Service Remote Sensing
tel: +420-327514118
mailto:kafka at email.cz
> -----Pùvodní zpráva-----
> Od: mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu
> [mailto:mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu]za uživatele randy james
> Odesláno: 24. ledna 2003 23:52
> Komu: Mapserver Users
> Pøedmìt: [Mapserver-users] Raster geotiff turns background yellow
> Hi list
> Has anyone experienced problems with a geotiff file
> making the image background turn yellow? (or any
> color)
> The orthophoto (geotiff) that causes the problem is my
> fist attempt at projecting a raster on the fly. I have
> tried importing the ortho into GRASS and than
> exporting it again, but it did not make a difference.
> The gdalinfo utility output is quite large for the
> ortho causing the problem, but once its exported from
> GRASS it is the same as the orthos that work (i think)
> I'm wondering if its something to to with projecting a
> raster or is it the file format. I will read and try
> the gdal_translate utility next i guess
> MapServer version 3.6.4 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG
> Cheers
> Randy
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