[Mapserver-users] For MapScript + Zope users, ZMapServer 0.3

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jan 28 09:17:46 PST 2003

Norman Vine wrote:
> Have you any evidence that Python mapscript is not rock solid,
> fully thread safe or a memory waster !
> FWIW - I don't see why Python mapscript would be any different
> then the Perl version in that they both are SWIGed and AFAICT
> SWIGed Python modules are 'quite robust' if the library they are
> wrapping is :-)

I would tend to share JF's doubts on the thread-safety and memory
leaking issues.  Not just for Python MapScript, but for any flavor
including the PHP version.  Those doubts will go away once someone has
time to audit all the code (including support libraries), make sure it
is all thread-safe and that there is no memory leakage, but until then I
would be hesitant to use it in a persistent module or even in FastCGI.

I'm not saying that this is an impossible task, I'm just saying that
some work needs to be done to make sure everything, including support
libraries such as GD, etc. are clean of thread-safety issues and memory
leaks.  This work has started slowly but hasn't been completed yet.

My 0.02$

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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