[Mapserver-users] why a segfault with mapserv but shp2img works fine?

Sean Gillies sgillies at frii.com
Wed Jan 29 16:00:56 EST 2003

I've built mapserv and shp2img from a very recent CVS checkout.  While
testing, I've found that shp2img works fine with my map file.  However,
when testing mapserv from the shell using the REQUEST_METHOD and
QUERY_STRING environmental variables (same map file), I get a
segmentation fault.  My map has a single raster layer, a GeoTIFF that
I'm accessing with GDAL.

Can anyone briefly summarize the differences in the way shp2img and
mapserv work, and why the latter might be more prone to a segfault?


Sean Gillies
sgillies at frii.com

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