[Mapserver-users] Maximum Num of Features?

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Wed Jan 29 17:21:41 EST 2003

If you've defined more than 50 classes in that layer it will choke 
MapServer.  You can change this by increasing the value assigned to 
MS_MAXCLASSES in map.h and recompiling MapServer.

Chris Hagwood wrote:
> I have a layer (police zones) that I would like to make colored so that it each zone will stand out.  When I try, it appears to choke mapserver.
> Here's the part from my .map file:
>   NAME newzone
>   TYPE Polygon
>   STATUS off
>   DATA newdist
>       CLASS
>         EXPRESSION '8300'
>         COLOR 243 137 139
>         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>      END  # CLASS
>       CLASS
>         EXPRESSION '8301'
>         COLOR 123 254 205
>         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>      END  # CLASS
> 	#REPEAT for each zone
>       CLASS
>         EXPRESSION '8412'
>         COLOR 40 128 60
>         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>      END  # CLASS

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