[Mapserver-users] Hyperlinks on map page

Robert Stanton geosys at iafrica.com
Thu Jan 30 12:35:11 EST 2003

Hi List

I am placing some basic information from various columns in a .dbf file
before a map in my html template, and two of the items are an email address
and a web page, eg:

<b>Name:</b> [NAME]<br>
<b>Contact:</b> [CONTACT]<br>
<b>Telephone:</b> [DIALCODE]  [TELEPHONE]<br>
<b>Fax:</b> [DIALCODE]  [FAX]<br>
<b>Email address: </b [EMAILADDR]<br>
<b>Website: </b> [WEBSITE]<br>

Does anyone know how to turn the email and website in to hyperlinks on the
page. I have fiddled with the more obvious ways such as:

<b>EMail address: </b><a href=[EMAILADDR]</a><br>

but none of them seem to work. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Robert Stanton
South Africa

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