[Mapserver-users] Re: Supporting Queryable in MMS

Doug Nebert ddnebert at fgdc.gov
Thu Jan 30 15:31:15 EST 2003

Steve Lime wrote:
> Info_format is a WMS parameter and is described in the OGC WMS spec. I
> would suggest just using the default text representation (i.e. ignore
> info_format and remove the WMS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE variable) and just
> get that working. Then worry about presentation. If you add the line
> "TEMPLATE 'dummy'" to your LAYER definition then that layer should be
> queryable. With that you should be able to do basic getFeatureInfo
> requests.
> Templates are the standard way for MapServer to return data from a
> query. If you can send me a working basic lookup I can let you know how
> to structure your templates...

I have only one layer (plans) and it is a polygon shapefile. It has
four attributes, title, origin, themekey, and url. I need the layer
to be queryable through getCapabilities and for the response to be
formatted as an HTML document as a <table> construct, one row per
returned feature. I'd hope that since one of the attributes is a URL
that this would be exposed as a hyperlink rather than as text. The 
interaction will be to click on the map and have all polygons that
are 'skewered' returned as a result.

I gather I must add WMS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE "text/html" to the WEB
object. But what, beyond TEMPLATE 'dummy' do I put inside the LAYER


> Steve

Douglas D. Nebert
Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Coordinator 
FGDC/GSDI Secretariat	Phone: +1 703 648 4151	Fax: +1 703 648-5755

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