[Mapserver-users] Mapserver layers selection

Björn Platzen bplatzen at sosnetz.de
Fri Jan 31 00:24:02 PST 2003

Hello Alessandro,

> I've a .map file that contains various layers. How can I do to allow the
> user (via web) to select some layer and display only these?

You could provide a <select> in your template-file like:

<select multiple name="layer">
        <option value="water" selected> Water Features 
        <option value="roads"> Transportation 
        <option value="states" selected> State Boundaries
	<option value="state_label" > State Labels 

The option values should be the names of your layers.

There's a tutorial that may help you at:

hth, Bjoern
small office solutions
info at sosnetz.de  -  http://www.sosnetz.de

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