[Mapserver-users] Problem when using dynamic points with Rosa Applet

jose.quintal at cfe.gob.mx jose.quintal at cfe.gob.mx
Tue Jul 1 15:09:12 EDT 2003

I use Rose Applet and PHP/Mapscript Windows binary .
Take gmap75.php like example. Everything works well when I use archives
SHP; but when I create shp dynamic visualizes it,
but when doing zoom lens, hangs the page and it marks time to me exceeded

This is my code  to generate shp dynamic    MenuMapAnJava.php  file and I
have inlcuido gmap75.php3

$p=mysql_query($sql) or die("Error al Ejecutar la Consulta");
   //  get a layer object representing your pointlayer
    $layerObj = $gpoMap->getLayerByName("Servicios");
  $classObj = $layerObj->getClass(0);
 $lineaObj = ms_newLineObj();
$shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_LINE);
    // create a new point object to hold the X Y data
    $pointObj = ms_newPointObj();

        if($layerObj->addFeature($shp) == -1){
             echo  "Error al añadir punto al shp";


José Antonio Quintal Castillo
Tel 9243128  O  9243136

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