[Mapserver-users] PhpMapscript - fields types

W. Steph chewbizz at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 4 04:37:18 PDT 2003

Hello list !

I can't find a way to get the types of the fields of shape objects.
I need to know if each field is a string (or varchar...) or an integer, or a 

I know i can use something like this :
$fieldValue = $myShapeObj->values[$fieldName];
if (is_string($fieldValue))
if (is_int($fieldValue))

But doing this way, I won't find if the field is a date (I think is_string 
will return true with a date)
Maybe there's a solution with a layer object... I don't know... I didn't 
find any infos in mapscript reference.
Any ideas ???

Thank you

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