[Mapserver-users] Compilation problems

Jordy Keighan jkeighan at cubewerx.com
Mon Jul 7 15:33:19 EDT 2003

Hi i'm running Redhat 9 with maplab2.0.1
i've been told that maplab does not support mapserv 3.7 and 4.0
i tried to install mapserv 3.6 but i am unable to compile it.

here is my mapserv configure string :
           ./configure --with-tiff --with-jpeg --with-zlib --with-png 
--with-freetype --with-eppl --with-proj=/usr/local/proj-4.4.7 
--with-gdal=/usr/local/gdal-1.1.8/apps/gdal-config --with-wmsclient 
-with-php=/usr/local/php-4.2.3 --with-gd=/usr/local/gd-2.0.15gif 

what should i do ??? what version of mapserv do i realy need to use.

thxs jordy

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