[Mapserver-users] MORE PostGIS Questions - Expression

Charlton Purvis cpurvis at asg.sc.edu
Tue Jul 8 13:34:33 PDT 2003

Try FILTER instead of EXPRESSION (don't know what version of MS you're
using).  It keeps all the work on the database side.


-----Original Message-----
From: Zamil Murji [mailto:Zamil.Murji at divestco.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 4:18 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] MORE PostGIS Questions - Expression

Hello all,

I am using the cgi version of mapserv. With shapefiles it is possible to
dynamically select items in a layer by passing them along the url and
using the corresponding EXPRESSION tag in the .map file. I want to do
something similar with PostGIS, can this be done?

Here are 3 rows from my db and my .map file for them:
idc=# select * from oilwells;
 well_id |                 geom                 | name
       1 | SRID=4326;POINT(-110.04146 49.01449) | ONE
       2 | SRID=4326;POINT(-110.24459 49.01449) | TWO
       3 | SRID=4326;POINT(-110.43138 49.01449) | THREE
(3 rows)

#PostGIS Data Layer
   NAME "oilwells"
   TYPE point
   STATUS off
   CONNECTION "user=idc dbname=idc host=sdb2 port=5432" 
#   DATA "geom from (select * from oilwells) as foo using unique id
using SRID=4326" 
   DATA "geom from oilwells"
#     EXPRESSION /x/
     COLOR 0 0 0
     SYMBOL 'circle'
     SIZE 20
#     TEMPLATE "c:\\mapfiles\test.html"

If I take uncomment EXPRESSION tag, then this layer never shows up.
Please help


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