[Mapserver-users] Gmap Demo v3.6

Sacha Fournier sfournier at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jul 10 08:53:02 EDT 2003


L'erreur que tu obtiens est due au fait que "grid" est maintenant un mot 
résèrve dans MapServer (depuis 3.7 dev). Pour remédier à ce problème tu 
n'as qu'a changer le nom du layer pour autre chose, ou mettre le nom 
entre guilmet (Ex: NAME "grid" au lieu de NAME grid).

harato wrote:
> [English is not my natural language...]
> Hello,
> I'm a beginner, yet and I try to run the Gmap demo
> "gmap-ms36" (you can find here :
> http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/mapserver/dl/)
> I think my installation of MapServer 4.0 with PHP4.3.2
> is good because the demo runs perfectly (demo.map) and
> i have run the examples of the source of MapServer.
> (Note : I use "php_mapscript_40.dll" and I'm under
> Win98 and I use Apache 2.0 too)
> Note : C:\MonSite\ is my DocumentRoot (Apache 2.0
> under Windows 98)
> But with the demo "gmap75.map", I have some problems
> (big ? problems).
> When I run "http://localhost/MapServer/gmap75.phtml"
> I have this message :
> Warning: MapServer Error in getString(): (grid):(273)
> in C:\MonSite\MapServer\gmap75.phtml on line 71
> Warning: Failed to open map file gmap75.map in
> C:\MonSite\MapServer\gmap75.phtml on line 71
> Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object
> in C:\MonSite\MapServer\gmap75.php3 on line 525
> ----------
> line 71 is  : $gpoMap = ms_newMapObj("gmap75.map");
> line 525 is : $poLayer =
> $gpoMap->getlayerbyname($szLayerName);
> If line 71 is wrong, => line 525 is wrong of course.
> ----------
> and my IMAGEPATH AND IMAGEURL seems good...
> Anyone can explain me or/and help me, please. I've
> read and read documentations but... Nothing runs.
> Normally the result must be :
> http://www2.dmsolutions.on.ca/gmap/gmap75.phtml (I
> think)
> I need help.
> bye
> Harato.
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Sacha Fournier
Applications Developer
DM Solutions Group
sfournier at dmsolutions.ca
tel: 418.696.5056
fax: 418.696.5056

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