[Mapserver-users] French Labels

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jul 10 09:15:28 PDT 2003

I would suggest that you make sure the label field in your DBF uses the
same character encoding as your font.  In general fonts should be in
ISOLatin-1 (ISO-8859-01) encoding.  Depending on which software
generated the DBF, the file may be in some old DOS codepage encoding.

I'm not sure of the best way to fix your DBF file... hopefully the
software that generates the DBF offers a way to chose the encoding for
the accents, or maybe you could try editing the file in Excel.


Liz Godwin wrote:
> Hello,
> I having problem with labels having french accents in my map.  The characters are displayed as boxes instead of "é" for
> example.
> My Label class is as follows:
>       LABEL
>         FONT "fritqat"
>         SIZE 8
>         BUFFER 2
>         COLOR 0 0 0
>         OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>       END
> I have looked at the DBF file belonging to the shapefile, and the accents are present.
> Another layer I use that looks up a placename and adds it to the map works fine.  The label it adds includes the
> accented character.
> It is only that these map labels are not displaying correctly.
> Help would be appreciated.
> Liz Godwin

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