[Mapserver-users] demo error

Till Adams adams at terrestris.de
Fri Jul 11 00:12:36 PDT 2003

Dear Edward,

in RedHat8 you have to run the ldconfig. Just run the following command:

/sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/lib -v

or change the path "/usr/local/lib" to where you installed your libgd.a 
to (to get more info, have a look into the apache error log).

Mapserver should work now. Remember: When you stop your server you may 
have to redo this.


Edward Lee schrieb:
> Dear all,
> I have currently just install the mapserver on my linux redhat system, 
> and its running apache web server
> Everytime when I try to test just the mapserv cgi 
> (http://rd01/~edwardlee/cgi-bin/mapserv),
> and as well as the Itasca demo I get the following error message.
>   Server error!
> The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your 
> request.
> Error message:
> Premature end of script headers: mapserv
> If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster 
> <mailto:root at localhost>
>     Error 500
> What could possible be the reasons causing this problem?
> Regards
> Edward Lee


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Dipl. Geogr. Till Adams
terrestris, Paulsen&Adams GbR
Siemensstr. 8 * 53121 Bonn
Tel.: 0228 962 899 52 * Fax.: 0228 962 899 57
info at terrestris.de * www.terrestris.de

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