[Mapserver-users] Graticule problems at large scales

William K woklist at charter.net
Fri Jul 11 17:43:32 EDT 2003

Finaly got around to playing with the graticule feature in the 4.0 
beta.  Works fine up to a point - when zooming in to a large scale, the 
starting point gets out of sync with the interval.  ie, if I have a 15 
minute (0.25 degree) interval, when I get to about 1:500,000 scale 
(with a Lambert Conic projection), I start to get grid lines at places 
like 14, 29, 44 & 59 minutes instead of the 0, 15, 30 & 45 I want and 
expect.  And at the same scale the starting point varies depending on 
where I pan to.

If this is some adjustment of the starting point to get an even or 
minimum distribution of grid lines in the map, I'd still rather have a 
fixed starting point (ie at some multiple of the interval) and adjust 

Another issue with the graticule (and possibly related) - when I start 
using a third decimal place for intervals, such as 0.125 for 7.5 
minutes, the grid labels start to get odd rounding errors.  For a 0.125 
interval using the DDMMSS label format, some labels have the correct 00 
and 30 seconds, while other have 59 and 29 seconds, on the same map.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos at charter.net>

"This is a question about the past, is it? ... How can I tell that the 
past isn't a fiction designed to account for the discrepancy between my 
immediate physical sensations and my state of mind?"

- The Ruler of the Universe
RIP Douglas Adams 1952-2001

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