[Mapserver-users] Running Mapserver on IIS

Swaminathan, Gayathri gayathri at ou.edu
Mon Jul 14 09:47:53 EDT 2003

The cgi-bin directory should have execute permissions, so that mapserv.exe
(copied under cgi-bin is executable).
Also, make sure your mapserver works right, by running it from command line,
If you entered "mapserv" in command line, it should say something like,

"This script can only be used to decode form results and
should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server."

Did you create proj directory as explained? Did you copy dlls to
<windir>/system32 and register them?

And did you set up tmp as mentioned?

Let me know how goes it?

-----Original Message-----
From: Geoffrey Rowland [mailto:geoffrey.rowland at noaa.gov] 
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 7:40 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] Running Mapserver on IIS

Is there a good tutorial on setting this up on IIS? I've tried and can't 
seem to get it to work.   I'm not that familiar with IIS, so that could 
be the problem.  I think it may be a problem with setting up the cgi-bin 
directory, not sure though.  After installing mapserver according to the 
directions in the readme file (this is mapserver 4 beta1), I downloaded 
the demo application, and whenever I try to initialize it, it says page 
can't be found, even though it's pointing to the correct directory.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Geoffrey Rowland
Technical Officer
Climate Information Project
NOAA Research
Office of  Global Programs
RGII Technologies, Inc., a Computer Horizons Company http://www.rg2.com
Phone: 301-427-2089x186
Fax : 301-427-2082
geoffrey.rowland at noaa.gov

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