[Mapserver-users] generate maps in WBMP (for WAP)

Lowell Filak lfilak at medinaco.org
Wed Jul 16 08:48:03 EDT 2003

COuld you please forward your WBMP?

The following message was sent by Pedro Salazar
<pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt> on 16 Jul 2003 12:25:01 +0100.

> On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 15:29, Lowell Filak wrote:
> > Okay, my version of GIMP doesn't read WBMP but if yours does can you
> > view it in GIMP?
> > Lowell
> > 
> > > I can't get a conclusion about that because either the generated WBMPs
> > > by mapserver or the WBMPs I make through GIMP (image application), a
> > > _file_ reports it as "data". There is no doubt about the
> > > of the WBMP (there aren't empty), and I'm not using any transparency 
> > > now.
> I'm afraid that I didn't explained very well. My "WBMPs generated by
> GIMP" should be read as "*BMPs* generated by GIMP" and converted to WBMP
> through a converter (BMP->WBMP). But, what I wanted to say is that *real
> and well defined* WBMP (I mean, not generated by MapServer) work in my
> emulator and the "file" reports them also as "data".
> -- 
> PS
> pedro-b-salazar at ptinovacao.pt
> PGP:0E129E31D803BC61

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