[Mapserver-users] Adding custom text to a feature

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Mon Jul 21 02:15:55 PDT 2003

Most of the mapscript objects have a text member, which can be set with
whatever you want which will be used to label the object when drawn. 
Some of the draw methods, e.g. pointObj->draw(map, layer, img,
classindex, text) have a text parameter which will be used to label the


On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 05:29, Benjamin Wragg wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm trying to figure out how to label a feature with a custom piece of
> text. For example in the application we've built, a user can choose a
> town, country or draw a point, line or polygon on the map. If a user
> selects a country for example I can easily label the country with it's
> name, but I want to label it with some custom text like, "Search
> country", "Search point" or "Search feature". Is there a way to do this
> with mapscript? I have a feeling I've read something about this on the
> list but I can't find anything in the archives.
> Thanks,
> Benjamin

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