[Mapserver-users] Fwd: About Map Server

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Jul 24 13:13:13 EDT 2003

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In case anyone has lot's of time on their hands...

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From: "Mohd Sumairi" <razif at fksg.utm.my>
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Subject: About Map Server
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Dear Mr,

How to make map server? I using Apache web server to my desktop. But  i thi=
nk many error which i see. I dont know and lack about web server. please gi=
ve me a tutorial step by step from installation to finish with the demo. my=
 internet connection very slow. so very hard to downloads from your website=
 which many lot of thing..=20

Mohd Razif Sumairi
Department Of Remote Sensing
Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
Tel: +6 07 5502969


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