[Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript query results in new window

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Fri Jul 25 11:00:47 PDT 2003

Joe Smith wrote:
> I used the gmap demo and got multiple item querying working, and I also got
> the results to display in a popup window.  However, I did it by editing the
> GmapDumpQueryResults() function to put "popWin.document.write();" around
> everything it printed so the results are written to the popWin window as it
> runs through the javascript.  The result is that the html source is pretty
> ugly.  Does anyone know a better way of displaying query results in a popup
> window (possibly using the mapfile's template)?  I'm using mapserver 3.6.6.

I store the query results as a PHP session variable.  Then I use 
window.open() to open a file called query.php into a popup window.  That 
file starts a session and loops through $_SESSION['results'], formatting 
the results into nice-looking tables within the pop-up window.


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