[Mapserver-users] Setting the scale of the map

Siki Zoltan siki at bme-geod.agt.bme.hu
Sat Jul 26 09:51:37 EDT 2003

I try to create a html template where the user can set the scale of the 
map. I added a textbox to the template
<input type="text" name="scale" value="[scale]">
but i failed to set extension of the generated map.

Does the mapserver use scale cgi variable as input/output or output only?
What other cgi variables can i use to set a given scale? mapext? imgext?
Any idea to work around?

Zoltan Siki

Tel:+36 1 463 1146  +36 70 3199092  Fax:+36 1 463 3209
Mail: siki at agt.bme.hu
Assistant professor at                     egyetemi adjunktus
Department of Geodesy and Surveying        Altalanos es Felsogeodezia tanszek
Budapest University of Technology Hungary  Budapesti Muszaki Gazd. Tud. Egyetem

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