[Mapserver-users] Installation: Couldn't find gdal-config

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jul 29 10:09:13 EDT 2003

A few things to check:
- Did you verify that /usr/local/bin/gdal-config exists and is executable?
- Did you 'make install' on your new GDAL build?
- Are you using mapserver 4.0-beta2 (July 11) or more recent?  There 
were some improvements to the code to locate gdal-config in that version.
- Try using
   ./configure ..... --with-ogr --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin/gdal-config

If none of the above helps then I think you will have to send your 
configure options to the list.


uli wrote:
> Recently did some updates on my Suse 7.2 system:
> php 4.3.1 -> php 4.3.2 - compile and functionality ok
> gd 1.8.4 -> gd 2.0.15 - compile ok
> gdal 1.1.8 -> gdal 1.1.9 - compile ok
> MapServer 3.6 -> MapServer 4.0b - configure with OGR-support fails:
> 	...
> 	checking whether we should include OGR support...
> 	checking for gdal-config... no
> 	configure: error: couldn't find gdal-config
> I tried different paths in ./configure to point to gdal-config (e.g.
> /home/src/gdal-1.1.9/apps/gdal-config and /usr/local/bin/gdal-config) -> no
> success
> The old MapServer 3.6 with OGR doesn't compile any more either.
> Configure without OGR compiles ok.
> I did not want to overload this mail with all my configure options. If you
> need them to answer my question please let me know
> uli

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