[Mapserver-users] LABELANGLE on LINE LAYER

bogus at does.not.exist.com bogus at does.not.exist.com
Wed Jul 23 16:10:17 EDT 2003

Hi to anybody that can help,

I have a problem with LABELANGLE. Essentially I have a shape file with line
data representating roads and i'm trying to label the roads with there
names along the road. Is there anyway to do this? Currently the roads are
being labeled with their names horizontal to the map image.

I noticed that Shannon Scott posted a similiar request (May 27, 2003) and
that Daniel Morissette suggested that if MapServer was recompiled with the
latest GD and FreeType2 libraries it would solve the problem. Now i've been
trying for days to compile MapServ-3.6.6 with GD-2.0.15, ZLib-1.1.4,
LPNG-125 and Regex-0.12 on Windows2000 and i just can't do it, almost
certainly because I have very little programming experience.

Can anybody help me, with either the compilation or (preferrably) a windows
binary that works for LABELANGLE?

Many thanks,
Alasdair McCall

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