[Mapserver-users] DEMO 3.5

Pericles Nacionales nacional at cbs.umn.edu
Wed Jul 30 18:11:16 EDT 2003

Here are a couple of tips to help you:
1. Make sure you have a slash at the end of your temp directory (i.e.
"/htdocs/tmp/" on Unix/Linux or "C:/htdocs/tmp/" on Windows)

2. If option 1 isn't applicable to you, change the value of 
MAP_WEB_IMAGEPATH to the absolute path to your temp directory (if
/htdocs/tmp isn't an absolute path) and change the MAP_WEB_IMAGEURL value
to "/tmp/" (assuming "htdocs" is your document root).

3. If the first two are not applicable to you, check that the user account
apache is running (it's usually "nobody" in Unix/Linux) under can read and
write to your "tmp" directory. 

I hope that helps.

-Perry N.

On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, Hong, Sung-Hyuk wrote:

> Here are more details about my demo problem.
> If I do url surgery changing the mode parameter to 'map' instead of
> 'browse', the itasca yellow map is displayed.  However, if mode='browse',
> the mapserv is not able to generate the temporary image file in /htdocs/tmp.
> Any help is welcome.
> Thank you
> Sung
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