[Mapserver-users] querying and highlighting with php

Joe Smith joe at poconogis.com
Thu Jul 31 08:33:36 PDT 2003

I'm using Mapserver 3.6.6 and PHP Mapscript.  Got a few questions:

1) How would I select/query features from only one layer using the gmap

Problem example: I have a road layer on top of a parcel layer, and when I do
a query box it selects roads and parcels, when I want it to select only

2) Features are highlighted after I query them.  How do I get them to stay
highlighted until I tell it to stop (using php)?

I've tried creating a query layer.  I select features by redefining a
classitem and class expression with php, but the colors change back after
the map is redrawn (even if the layer is still on). I believe this happens
because I reload the mapfile at the start of each page, resetting the
class... but I'm not sure.


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