[Mapserver-users] Mapserver 4.0 - thread safe?

Aaron Kreider akreider at nd.edu
Thu Jul 31 14:45:09 PDT 2003

I'm posting this again because nobody replied the first time and this is very important 
to my project.


I compiled Mapserver 4.0b version 2 on my home pc (red hat 7.1). For options I 
used: with-threads and with-php.

When I uploaded it to my webserver and tried to run a test 
mapscript page it gave me a thread-safety error message.  If 
thread-safety is implemented in 4.0b, shouldn't it be able to run on 
Apache without running PHP as CGI???

Or did someone implement thread-safety, but forget to remove the code that triggers 
this fatal error message?

Fatal error: Due to thread-safety problems, php_mapscript cannot 
be used as a 'apache' module. You will have to reconfigure your 
PHP as a CGI to run this version of MapScript. See 
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?PHPMapScriptCGI. in 
/home/campusac/public_html/map/example1.php on line 11

I'm loading mapscript.so using the dl() function.


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