AW: Antw: RE: [Mapserver-users] (no subject)

Arnulf Christl CCGIS arnulf.christl at
Tue Jun 10 01:17:13 PDT 2003

Performance of UMN MapServer is rather a question of software architecture
and data storage - if t comes to large datasets.

For the specified data you should not have any problems serving 50.000
requests a day with any machine that has a 750Mhz clock, 256 RAM and a fast
HD or data server. More obviously always is better. It depends a little on
the data storage you prefer, we have made very good experience with PostGIS,
which is an elegant method to store large datasets and access small sections
very quickly.
Our test server has a 2.6 Ghz CPU, 1GB RAM and runs under free BSD. A
section of roundabaout 500 polylines out of a total of 600.000 polygons can
always be accessed below 1 second with UMN MapServer (the data shows minor
roads in Germany).
We don't use very large TIFF data in MapServer directly because we can use a
deegree WCS (Web Coverage Server) to do that job (it is also based on Free
Software and comes as an Open Source project). Our largest service currently
contains 300 GB TIFF in one project, 80 GB JPEG in another. The access time
usually lies under 3 seconds. In those categories the performance bottleneck
shifts more to network- and fast file access questions.

Regards, Arnulf.

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: mapserver-users-admin at
[mailto:mapserver-users-admin at]Im Auftrag von Andreas
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Juni 2003 09:23
An: mapserver-users at;
Andreas.Fritzsche at; ed at
Betreff: Antw: RE: [Mapserver-users] (no subject)

the kind of data we are using are shapefiles (400 MB) and TIF-Files
(700 MB), and we display in average 300 out of 300.000 polygones. The
vektor- and rasterdata are organizied in tiles.


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