[Mapserver-users] Spatial extent for shape file?

Twan Kogels twan at twansoft.com
Wed Jun 11 04:48:38 PDT 2003


It's been a while since i used mapserver. Yesterday i received a cdrom with 
raster maps, today i'm getting it to work. The cdrom contains a lot of tiff 
files which represent a tiled map. The tiff files are of format 
"GTiff/GeoTIFF". I used the "gdaltindex" program to make a shp index of all 
the tiles.

The cdrom also contains a esri .tfw (or mapserver .wld) and a .tab file for 
every single tiff file.

I'm now making my .map file which mapserver should use, but i'm stuck at 
defining the EXTENT line. I've looked for documentation about the tiff 
files on cdrom but found none. The info in the .tab file is interesting:
!version 300
!charset WindowsLatin1

Definition Table
File "1000047.TIF"
(0,376000) (0,5333) Label "Pt 1",
(0,384000) (0,0) Label "Pt 2",
(12000,384000) (8000,0) Label "Pt 3",
(12000,376000) (8000,5333) Label "Pt 4"
CoordSys Earth Projection 20, 109, "m", 5.387638889, 52.156160556, 
0.9999079, 155000, 463000
Units "m"

The output of the program "gdalinfo" analyzing a tiff file on cdrom is also 
gdalinfo 4000007.TIF
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Size is 1778, 1185
Coordinate System is `'
Origin = (-20.250000,384020.250000)
Pixel Size = (40.500000,-40.500000)
   TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=Handmade Software, Inc. Image Alchemy v1.7.7
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (     -20.250,  384020.250)
Lower Left  (     -20.250,  336027.750)
Upper Right (   71988.750,  384020.250)
Lower Right (   71988.750,  336027.750)
Center      (   35984.250,  360024.000)
Band 1 Block=1778x8 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
Band 2 Block=1778x8 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
Band 3 Block=1778x8 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue
Band 4 Block=1778x8 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Alpha

I know the the EXTENT line in the .map file means the lower left 
coordinates en the upper right coordinates, but i don't know how to get 
this information in my case.

The output of gdaltinfo shows several "Corner Coordinates", but i have used 
gdaltindex to make a .shp file and now i'm using that shape file as index 
in my .map file:
   NAME "test"
   TILEINDEX "test.shp"
   TILEITEM "Location"
so, this renders the gdaltinfo useless, cause the Corner Coordinates aren't 
correct anymore.

The line:
CoordSys Earth Projection 20, 109, "m", 5.387638889, 52.156160556, 
0.9999079, 155000, 463000
in the .tab file seems interesting, but i could not find any information 
about the meaning of those numbers. Could i get the values for EXTENT from 
this line? Or is there maybe a program which calculates the EXTENT or 
Corner Coordinates for a given .shp file?

Best regards,
Twan Kogels

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