AW: [Mapserver-users] loadWeb(): Unknown identifier. (WMS_TITLE)

Arnulf Christl CCGIS arnulf.christl at
Fri Jun 13 02:44:10 EDT 2003

Have a look here:

At the "map" level in the MAP file you have to specify the METADATA tag and
then put the WMS informtion inside this bracket (I marked the relevant
changes ->). Your MapFile then should look like this:

   NAME "ThailandWMS"
   SHAPEPATH "/home/msapps/Thailand2/data/"
   SYMBOLSET "/home/msapps/Thailand2/etc/symbols.sym"
   FONTSET "/home/msapps/Thailand2/etc/fonts.txt"
     MINSCALE 20000
     MAXSCALE 5e+007
     IMAGEPATH "/var/www/html/ms_tmp/"
     IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"
->		WMS_TITLE "WMSThaiServer"
->		WMS_ABSTRACT "An abstract to the contents..."
->		WMS_SRS "EPSG:32647"
->	END

You also need a METADATA sections for each layer where you specify the
WMS_TITLE. A layer automatically inherits the SRS of the project. If it
should be different to the project (in the WEB tag), then you have to
specify it explicitly in the METADATA section with the keyword "WMS_SRS".

Regards, Arnulf.

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