[Mapserver-users] RE: TIFF-Display

Andrés Collao andres at mapserver.cl
Tue Jun 17 12:04:21 PDT 2003


I'm working with RASTER and the tif was made with ESRI - Arcview, then 
rename the .TIFW file to .WLD. Uses Photoshop to convert the tif file to 

Mapserver 3.6.4 is not working with 24 or 16 bit files, only with 1bit.


>i have got a problem with the display of a tiff-image. Mapserver shows a 
>white map (and produces a white .png), but navigation is possible, the 
>square on the refenenz map is ok and scale/scalebar also. There is no 
>difference if the tiff is black/white (1 bit) or 8 bit, it never shows an i 
>get no error message from mapserver.

>When i use another tiff from another project it works!!

>The tiff was made with IrfanView (no compression, 256 Colors (counted 16), 
>8 Bit):

>Here a part of my mapfile:


>    NAME "Hintergrund"

>    DATA "Stadtplan.tif"


>    OFFSITE 1



>Thanks for your help!


Andrés Collao.

collao_andres at hotmail.com
andres at mapserver.cl

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