[mapserver-users] 24 bit png, latlonbbox, pdf overlay

Bart van den Eijnden bartvde at xs4all.nl
Tue Jun 17 12:30:40 PDT 2003

Hi list,

I use mapserver 4.0 beta1 on ECW files. I use the WMS interface. I have 
some questions about it:

ECW is ofcourse 24 bit, so it seems the most logical to me to request 
mapserver for a 24 bit png image.

-when I request for an image of type png, I seem to get an 8 bit and not a 
24 bit image. How do I get a 24 bit one? Will it be faster with 24 bit png 
because no resampling has to be done? With jpeg it looks fine, with png the 
colours seem to be different from the ECW source file, but that is probably 
because of the resampling or not?

-in the capabilities the LatLonBoundingBox takes on the values from the SRS 
in which the raster resides. Is it not better to provide dummy values in 
the value range of latlon, or is it even possible to calculate them 
(although then the caps will be slower).

-when I ask for an output of pdf an invalid pdf file is created. Should it 

-does mapserver also have the possibility to cascade with outputformat = 
pdf, i.e. can it overlay pdf files coming from different servers (combine 
into one pdf when I ask for layers=layer_1,layer_2&format=PDF where layer_1 
and layer_2 coming from different servers)?

Thanks in advance for the answers,


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