[Mapserver-users] output to 1band 16 bit geotiff?

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.com
Mon Jun 23 05:41:17 PDT 2003

Hi folks,

I'm using mapserver to rasterize some vector layers, which it is doing great 
But, I would like to output more than 256 values, and prefereably directly to 
geotiff format (1 band, 16bit unsigned int). I succeed to output geotiff as 3 
band rgb color, or as 1 band (byte) but then the output values are not what I 
assign in the 'color x x x ' statement in the classes, but the highest color 
gets the highest value, or something similar. I'm rasterizing provinces which 
all have a code, but the codes are not continuous; there are some gaps. Could 
this be done, and how? E.g. I would like to have several classes, where I 
define the color in the class as 'color [code] 0 0' or something like that, 
and that as output I get a 1band geotiff, *not* pseudocolored/paletted but as 
a byte/int band with the code values...

I tried several geotiff outputformat combinations (imagemode INT16, 
formatoption BANDTYPE=Int16, etc) but with no avail...

Vincent Schut
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands

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