[Mapserver-users] get proj.4 parameters from a raster image.
pond bear
pond_bear at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 27 10:16:28 PDT 2003
thanks a lot.
I just write a PHP script to get the projection type.
This script requires gdalinfo.
//change it to your image's path
@ chdir (working_path) or die("Cannot set the current working
//get the projection information from the raster file
//and put it into an array.
function proj_init($file) {
//using gdalinfo to get information of the image and put the information
into $command_output
exec("gdalinfo $file", $command_output, $return_value);
if ($return_value){
die ("The file $file doesn't exist, please check and input it
//put projection information in array proj
for ($i = 0; $i < count($command_output); $i++ ) {
//search proj information in lines containing '['
//echo $command_output[$i].'<br>';
/*remove ']' and ',' at the end of the line
remove ' ' at the beginning of the line
remove double quotes*/
$output_line=ereg_replace('^ *|\"|\]*,?$','',$command_output[$i]);
}//end if strpos($command_output[$i],'[')
for ($i =0;$i< count($proj_arr['PARAMETER']);$i++)
//echo '<br>';
return $proj_arr;
} //end of function proj_init
function get_type($type) {
if ($type=='Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area')
elseif ($type=='Albers_Conic_Equal_Area')
elseif ($type=='Transverse_Mercator')
else die("The projection of the image isn't supported yet");
return $proj_type;
function get_datum($datum) {
if ($datum=='North_American_Datum_1983')
elseif ($datum == 'WGS_1984')
else die('unknow datum');
return $datum_string;
function get_ellips($ellips) {
if ($ellips[0]=='Unknown') {
} elseif ($ellips[0]=='WGS 84') {
} elseif ($ellips[0]=='GRS 1980'){
} else die('unknown spheroid');
return $ellips_string;
proj=laea +lat_0=Latitude at projection center
+lon_0=Longitude at projection center
+x_0=False Easting
+y_0=False Northing
+proj=aea +lat_1=Latitude of first standard parallel
+lat_2=Latitude of second standard parallel
+lat_0=Latitude of false origin
+lon_0=Longitude of false origin
+x_0=Easting of false origin
+y_0=Northing of false origin
function get_parameter($parameter,$type){
if ($type=='proj=laea'){
} elseif ($type=='proj=aea'){
} elseif ($type=='proj=utm'){
} else die('unknow projection');
return $para;
function get_proj($img_name) {
return $projection;
} //end of function get_proj
if (!$_POST['file_name']){
<title>Please input the file name </title>
<form method=POST action="<?= $PHP_SELF; ?>" >
File name:
<input TYPE=file NAME="file_name" SIZE=30 > <br>
<input TYPE=submit VALUE="Submit">
} else {
University of North Dakota
>From: "Juanse" <georef at tie.cl>
>To: "pond bear" <pond_bear at hotmail.com>
>Subject: RE: [Mapserver-users] get proj.4 parameters from a raster image.
>Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 10:39:19 -0400
>Do not know if Chips can do it because i am starting to use it, but Chips
>an excelent piece of software for handling georeferenced rasters that i
>just found. And it is crackeable and unexpensive if you can buy it, and
>decent 15 days on trial (being able to export/save changes), and then keeps
>on working without saving capabilities.
>check here http://www.geogr.ku.dk/chips/
>for the crack ... ask.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: pond bear <pond_bear at hotmail.com>
>To: <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
>Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:58 PM
>Subject: [Mapserver-users] get proj.4 parameters from a raster image.
> > Hi all
> >
> > Is there any tools which can read the raster tif file and return the
> > string of the image.
> >
> > Jing
> > University of North Dakota
> >
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