[Mapserver-users] gdaladdo
Vincent Schut
schut at sarvision.com
Wed Mar 5 03:05:45 PST 2003
On Wednesday 05 March 2003 11:34, Manuel Marichal PĂ©rez wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've got an application which deal with large TIFF's raster images. I
> considered to use GDAL to improve the
> performance (gdaladdo & gdaltndex). I succesfully compiled GDAL in my
> machine. Also I recompiled
> mapserver with "--without-tiff" and "--with-gdal" options.
> Then I used gdaladdo with one of my tiff images in order to make a TIFF
> image with many levels. Right.
> Now, what must I do with my "map" file to get the correct image be
> displayed as the user changes the scale?.
There is some explanation in on the mapserver website. You need to combine the
minscale/maxscale items in the layer objects of your mapfile (see
http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc36/mapfile-reference.html#layer ) and the
tile feature ( see http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc36/raster-howto.html ).
However, it sounds like you might not be interested in tiling your dataset,
but just using scaled down versions when viewing at larger scales. I think
you'd better use gdal_translate then, as you need to create a separate file
for each scaled down layer, instead of a built-in overview. Afaik, the
mapfile does not support using one of many overviews of a tiff file as a
datasource. I think. If I'm wrong, please somebody correct me.
So the correct procedure would be: create several scaled down versions of your
dataset, at the scales that you want, and define a layer object for each of
these, with minscale and maxscale items defined so that always just one will
be drawn.
If you really want a performance gain, I think you should consider image
tiling next to using different scale levels. See the explanation in the
raster howto and search the mailing list archives for more info on the best
way to do this. There have been some posts about it, if I remember well.
Vincent Schut.
> Thanks in advance.
Vincent Schut (schut at sarvision.com)
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands
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