[Mapserver-users] about tileindex shp

Chen Fu novalet at yahoo.com.cn
Tue Mar 11 19:21:31 PST 2003

i try to use tileindex shp according to

As a test, shp2img can generate the right gif
according to the simple map file. Then i use it on the
web, the tileindex layer doesn't work, but the other
vector/raster layers work fine. I check the setting to
confirm it almost the same as the map file i tested in
shp2img, except an additional TEMPLATE attribute.
Still not any reponse, just like the layer is not

A question i wanna ask is how to check the warning or
error raised by mapserv.exe in cgi environment? if
mispell the shp name in map, "Unable to access file"
will shown while i use shp2img. But in cgi mode, i
can't see anything if a DATA attribute is deliberately
changed to wrong name. the layer will just not be
shown. (but when SHAPEPATH is wrong, the mapserv will
stop). I wonder whether mapserv complain something i
cant see.

Another question: it seems the layer dont use DATA
attribute. TILEINDEX take its place. But seems the
TILEINDEX can't accept the file with directory part
like "globe/dem.shp", only "dem.shp" is acceptable
(test in shp2img). Is it right? so we have to put the
tileindex shp in the SHAPEPATH directly? (I just do
like that, but don't know why mapserv is still mad at
me :< )

any idea and suggestion? 

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