[Mapserver-users] 3.7 configure error with php 4.3.1

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Mar 13 06:33:56 PST 2003

Aaron, I had the same problem.  It seems that php configure was changed 
at some point and now you have to use --with-regex=system in the php 
configure.  Also, please note that there are some problems with php 
4.3.0 and php 4.3.1 concerning the values reported by PHP_SELF that are 
fixed in the latest snapshot.  If you use PHP_SELF (and who doesn't ;)) 
I recommend using a snapshot.



Aaron D. Hunt wrote:
> When I run the config with
> ./configure --without-tiff --with-proj --with-gdal --with-ogr 
> --with-jpeg --with-php=/usr/local/src/php-4.3.1
> I get:
> !!! The current version of PHP MapScript has some problems with       !!!
> !!! PHP4's bundled regex.  Until we figure the solution to the        !!!
> !!! problem, the workaround is to compile PHP4 with the system regex  !!!
> !!! Please re-configure and re-compile PHP4 with --with-system-regex  !!!
> !!! and then re-configure and re-compile MapServer.                   !!!
> But, my php is configured with --with-system-regex (see attached).
> Is there any way around this?
> Aaron D. Hunt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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