[Mapserver-users] reference map rectangle

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Mar 25 12:58:48 PST 2003

The reference map doesn't have to have the same shape as the main image.
What's important
is that the size and extent in the mapfile match the actual image and
that the display size in the
HTML form is correct.


>>> "Kevin Slover" <Kevin.Slover at noaa.gov> 03/25/03 01:50PM >>>
My 2 cents, and observations...maybe I am doing something wrong...

my reference image is not a perfect "square", the dimensions are 200 x
142, while my map is 500 x 500.  I notice that my reference location
not exactly where I am on the map.  I have attributed (erroneously,
maybe) to the fact that the ref dimensions to not make a perfect

maybe not your problem exactly... but somewhat related...
Steve Lime wrote:

> Sounds to me like the size and/or extent values are out of whack
> someplace.
> Make sure the image sizes are consistent with the size values in the
> map file.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Data & Applications Manager
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> Daniel Wagner <Da.Wa at uni-jena.de> 03/25/03 11:21AM >>>
> Hi all,
> Thanks for previously help!!
> Now my current problem:
> Whenever I click in the reference map the rectangle goes to a
> positon,
> but in the main map it loads the area accurately.
> It's not a problem with the coordinates! (I checked this.)
> I've got no idea what the problem can be.
> Has somebody an idea?
> As always:
> Thanks in advance!!
> Daniel Wagner
> -----------------------------------------------------
> This mail was sent through http://webmail.uni-jena.de 
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LTJG Kevin Slover, NOAA
GIS Specialist/Oceanographer
NOAA/National Hurricane Center/Storm Surge Unit
11691 SW 17th Street
Miami FL  33165

W (305) 229-4456

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