[Mapserver-users] shapefiles

Vincent Schut schut at sarvision.com
Thu May 1 05:09:51 PDT 2003

Probably you will have to change the 'extent' parameter in the map file. Try 
setting it to the boundingbox of the shapes you have. If you don't know this, 
(i think) you can obtain the bounding box coordinates using the ogrinfo 
utility that comes with gdal. Eventually change the projection and units 

Vincent Schut.

On Thursday 01 May 2003 13:19, sanjay tiwary wrote:
> Hi All         I have used examle given on the link
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?PHPMapScriptRH73which is
> working fine.Now i want to use the same example with the shape files i am
> gettingfrom the link  http://www.vdstech.com/map_data.htm ( data -
> india)but the final output is a blank page, nothing is diplyed.            
>                       How it is happening? I have changed the name of data
> section in the .map file to include new data.Everything else remains
> same.How to get that?                                         Sanjay Catch
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Vincent Schut (schut at sarvision.com)
Sarvision B.V.
Wageningen, The Netherlands

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