[Mapserver-users] execute two querys at the same time

Alessandro Galasso agalasso at gndci.cs.cnr.it
Mon May 5 06:08:53 PDT 2003

Hi Nicole,
if you mean geografical query (by click) the answer is yes for sure. You
have to use NQUERY/NQUERYMAP modes and LAYERS to specify which layers are
active (ON).

The same thing seems to me impossible in ITEMNQUERY/ITEMNQUERYMAP modes. In
fact the omission of qlayer give a "No query layer defined". I've tryed in
many ways but i cannot find the right one.

By the way, Steve Lime told us that a new management for item queries is in
progress, and will be available in the next final release of Mapserver.

Alessandro Galasso

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicole Bömeke" <bon at ivv-aachen.de>
To: <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 1:18 PM
Subject: [Mapserver-users] execute two querys at the same time

> Hello list,
> is it possible to execute two or more querys
> over different layers at the same time
> and mark the query results in different colors?
> If yes, how can I define more than one qlayer?
> And where can I determin the hilite color
> for the query result of each layer?
> To execute a query I'm using the following code:
> template file:
> ------------------
> <input type="hidden" name="mode"            value="itemnquery">
> <input type="hidden" name="mapext"          value="shapes">
> <input type="hidden" name="qlayer"          value="rqF">
> <input type="hidden" name="map_rqF_filter"
> value="/0000156946|0000156957|0000156955|0000156956/">
> mapfile:
> -----------
>     COLOR 255 0 255
>   END
>     NAME "rqF"
>     DATA "gesamt_fgo"
>     FILTERITEM "sStrNr"
>     FILTER "%map_rqF_filter%"
>     CLASS
>       NAME "rqF"
>       SYMBOL "circle"
>       SIZE 6
>       TEMPLATE "empty.html"
>     END
>     FOOTER "rrt_query_mode.html"
>   END
> Nicole
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