[Mapserver-users] PHP-Mapscript dll problem

Paul Spencer spencer at dmsolutions.ca
Fri May 9 07:16:36 PDT 2003


the php_mapscript_36.dll needs to go into your PHP extensions directory. 
  Normally, this would be in <path-to-php>\extensions\.  You should also 
check your php.ini file for the extension_dir setting and make sure that 
it is pointing to the same directory.



Marc Drouin wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have a problem with PHP Mapscript.  I followed the installation 
> instruction and copied the php_mapscript_36.dll file in 
> c:\winnt\system32 directory.  When i come to test the installation using 
> phpinfo(); the server returns that it could not load a specific 
> function, or something like that.  I checked the archives and found that 
> somebody suggested to check the dependencies of the dll.  I found out 
> the apphelp.dll seemed to be the problem, it simply was completely 
> missing from the system directory. there is also an issue with mpr.dll.
> Further investigation lead me to the microsoft site, to find out the 
> apphelp.dll only come with XP or windows server 2003, BTW, I'm running 
> win2000 server.
> Doe anyone had a simillar problem?
> What do I need to do to get thiongs rolling?
> I've tried replacing the dll with php_mapacript_35.dll, no succes.
> I've tried upgrading IE6, sp1, no succes.
> please help..............
> Marc

Paul Spencer
Applications and Software Development
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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