[Mapserver-users] tiled shapes

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue May 13 08:03:32 EDT 2003

On 13 May 2003 at 2:21, Jithesh P. Joseph wrote:

> Hello,
> Can anybody send me a map file sample with tiled shape files?
> I am currently using a raster layer with TILEINDEX but I don't know
> how to create it for vectors.

Check out the Mapserver Utilities doc off the documention link from 
the Mapserver home page and use 'tile4ms'
> I also want to know the ways by which the dbf of the tiled shapes can
> be accessed.

in Perl use XBase.pm of Geo::ShapeFile - use the following to install 
   perl -MCPAN -e install XBase
   perl -MCPAN -e install Geo::ShapeFile

  -Steve W.

> Hope somebody help me.
> Regards
> Jithesh
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