[Mapserver-users] Label

Lowell Filak lfilak at medinaco.org
Tue May 13 12:35:05 EDT 2003

Simple way: I'm not sure one exists.
What we currently do is use MapScript to loop through the label cache and create a rectangular imagemap around each label.
This also creates the client-side javascript to show/hide the label as the mouse passes.
It does not create the imagemap for the actual polygon as that can take a loooong time to do dynamically based on number of arcs in each polygon & segments in each arc.
If the data is static you could always create the imagemap information ahead of time.
I have seen at least a couple of discussions to that effect...
Lowell F.

The following message was sent by "Marco Ferrari" <Mferrari at crema.unimi.it> on Tue, 13 May 2003 16:03:48 +0200.

> Hi,
> Is it possible to display a label only when the mouse is passing on a specified polygon?
> If yes, how?
> Thanks.
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