[Mapserver-users] How localize a polygon?

mapserver2003 mapserver2003 at yahoo.com
Tue May 13 08:32:12 EDT 2003

Hi all,

I wrote a time ago with the same doubt, and already follow with
her. What I need is to choose the Parcels with list pictures and to 
pass them to Mapserver so that it locates the polygon of a SHAPE in 
the map. Virgilio Branches, answered to me very amiably on the 
matter, indicating to me:

> If you use cgi interests this to you: >
http://maps.dnr.state.mn.us/mapserver_demos/tests40/ > > If you use
php mapscript Low gmap of Dm Solutions >


In this direction, in the section "Item/value queries", in case 1, 
it appears what I wish to do. Selecting a name of State, it shows to 
two maps one general and another one in which the state appears 
trim. In order to obtain this last image the call from the Template 
file is:

> /cgi-bin/mapserv36?map=/usr/local/www/docs/mapserver_demos/ 
> tests36/itemquery/case1.map&name=Dakota&mode=itemquerymap
> &mapext=shapes&qlayer=country

I have proven to make this being changed to my data of server
and configuration in my map file to locate a parcel, and have used
following order GET:

> http://myserver/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=mypathmapfile/demo.map >

I obtaining the following error:

> msQueryByAttributes(): Search returned not results. Not matching 
> record(s) found, to layer and area of interest do not overlap. 

in the example it uses mapext=shapes, shapes? what means this?. I 
have not seen anything similar in the documentation. In addition, if 
I want to obtain some result, the image with the selected parcel but 
without centering, I must add variables IMGEXT and IMGXY.


I have installed MapLab, that includes GMap, and as I'm 
inexperienced in this I do not see anything that helps me to make 
what desire.

I'm a little desperate, because I have been a time trying to obtain
to this. 

Thanks for everything.

Braulio M.

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