[Mapserver-users] Browse/Query/Nquery

Richard Kingston richard at geography.leeds.ac.uk
Wed May 14 06:51:11 PDT 2003

Hi All,

I'm having problems with the mode=query function.  I've checked previous 
postings but my problem remains!!

When I submit my form I'm trying to get the query inserted into a frame 
called "attributesFrame".  I'm using the onSubmit function in the form 
which should put query/nquery information into the frame or if it's in 
browse mode puts it into "_self".

Below is my javascript followed by my html template.  When I submit the 
form in query mode it puts the query into "_self" rather than 
attributesFrame but the URL string which gets returned contains mode=query.

I've tried amending my radio button line to contain something like 
[mode_browse_check] etc. rather than just checked but this still doesn't 

Any ideas?  Am I missing something obvious?

function attFrame() {
  if (document.mapserv.mode.value == 'query'  || 
document.mapserv.mode.value == 'nquery') {
        document.mapserv.target = "attributesFrame";
  else {
    document.mapserv.target = "_self";

<form method=get action="/cgi-bin/mapserv" name="mapserv" 

<input type="radio" name="mode" value="browse" checked> <b>Browse 
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="query"> <b>Query feature</b><br>
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="nquery"> <b>Query multiple 

  Richard Kingston
  Centre for Computational Geography,
  School of Geography, University of Leeds,
  England. LS2 9JT
  Tel: +44(0)113-34-33286 Fax: +44(0)113-34-33308

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