[Mapserver-users] java connector

Doug Cates doug at moximedia.com
Tue May 20 13:48:11 EDT 2003

Tomas Brandalik wrote:

> Did anybody try to use java (servlet or jsp) instead
> cgi to talk to mapserver?


I use a set of Java classes and JSP scripts that create customized
applications using MapServer in WMS-server mode. The Java routines don't
really communicate directly with MapServer. The WMS request goes through CGI
using the standard WMS interface. The same code is used to connect to WMS
and WFS services published by other (non-MapServer) servers, and can combine
layers from multiple hetrogeneous WMS server products in an application.

Examples at: http://moximedia.com/imf_sites.html

Doug Cates
Moxi Media Inc.
757 - 1641 Lonsdale Avenue,
North Vancouver, BC, Canada V7M 2J5
Phone:  604-984-8109
Fax:    604-608-4764
E-Mail: doug at moximedia.com
Web:    www.moximedia.com

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