[Mapserver-users] Re: I'm not able to solve my problem!!

aborruso at spaziogis.it aborruso at spaziogis.it
Wed May 21 09:14:48 PDT 2003

Hi Daniel,
thank you. I'll reply to your 3 questions:

1- What do you get when you run the following in a DOS window?
     mapserv.exe "QUERY_STRING=map=C:/invalid/path.map"

<HEAD><TITLE>MapServer Message</TITLE></HEAD>
msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (C:/invalid/path.map)

2- What do you get when you access the following URL via a web bowser?
   (Do a 'View Source' and quote the exact result, also change the URL
    to match the location of the mapserv.exe script on your server)

"<head><title>Error in CGI Application</title></head>
<body><h1>CGI Error</h1>The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
returning a complete set of HTTP headers.  The headers it did return

3- What do you get when you access the following URL via a web browser?
   (Do a 'View Source' and quote the exact result)

"<head><title>Error in CGI Application</title></head>
<body><h1>CGI Error</h1>The specified CGI application misbehaved by not
returning a complete set of HTTP headers.  The headers it did return

That's all,


|         |           Daniel          |
|         |           Morissette      |
|         |           <morissette at dmso|
|         |           lutions.ca>     |
|         |                           |
|         |           21/05/2003 15.38|
|         |                           |
  |                                                                                                                              |
  |        Per:     aborruso at spaziogis.it                                                                                        |
  |        Cc:      mapserver-users <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>                                                          |
  |        Oggetto: Re: I'm not able to solve my problem!!                                                                       |

Hi Andrea,

The most knowledgeable people about Windows configuration are on the
list, so I'm returning this to the list.  Perhaps the main issue is that
the problem is not presented properly and those people who know don't
see the real issue so they can't jump in and help.  Your Email titles
should describe the problem and not attempt to translate yor personal
feelings with respect to the problem BTW... "Please help me" as a title
will just turn down readers if anything.

I have tried to follow that thread and the information that was
exchanged there must have been incomplete (hopefully) since some of what
was described seemed impossible to me.  From what I understood, it would
seem that in a DOS window your mapserv.exe returns error messages but no
HTTP headers and no MapServer version information, and when run in your
web server it returns HTTP headers and version information sometimes but
not always, causing the web server to complain about missing HTTP
headers. However, when run with no query string in your web server your
mapserv does return the expected "This script can only be used to decode
form results and should be initiated as a CGI via a httpd server."...
this is really odd, let's see...

Before blaming it on Windows configuration I would like to solve a
little mystery about the inconsistent reports that I saw in the previous
email thread.

So can you please answer the following questions, quoting exactly the
output that you get and making sure that you quote the complete output

1- What do you get when you run the following in a DOS window?
     mapserv.exe "QUERY_STRING=map=C:/invalid/path.map"

2- What do you get when you access the following URL via a web bowser?
   (Do a 'View Source' and quote the exact result, also change the URL
    to match the location of the mapserv.exe script on your server)

3- What do you get when you access the following URL via a web browser?
   (Do a 'View Source' and quote the exact result)

Please send back that information (via the list) and we'll go from


Steve Lime wrote:
> Hi Andrea: It may be a simple configuration problem but it's on a
> Windows box and I have no experience with web servers in that
> environment- sorry. Have you gone back through the list archives? I
> recall seeing lot's of discussion centered around setup on Windows
> machines...
> Steve
> >>> <aborruso at spaziogis.it> 05/18/03 12:07 PM >>>
> Dear Steve and Daniel,
> I'm writing directly to you beacause I have a mapserver problem I have
> been
> not able to solve with the help of the mapserver list (I have written my
> first message ten days ago). I'm sure it's stupid configuration problem,
> and I know you are mapserver gurus.
> This is my problem: I write in my webbroser an url like
> http://mapserver.spaziogis.it/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=c:
> \nodata\map.map&mode=map and I have "CGI Error
> The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set
> of
> HTTP headers. The headers it did return are:". This a generic error and
> I'm
> not able to understand it.
> If I write "mapserv "QUERY_STRING=map=c:\nodata\map.map&mode=map"" in my
> mapserver dos console, I have "msLoadMap(): Unable to access file. (c:
> \nodata\map.map)". This is a message that I understand and I think to be
> able to solve it. Why am I not able to read undestandable error also in
> my
> browser??
> I have Winxp Pro with IIS.
> I have MapServer version 3.6.3 OUTPUT=GIF OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG
> I have not compiled mapserver in my xp box.
> I have simply downloaded the binary files from mapserver site:
> ms36gif_gdal_pg_wms.zip and ms35_libs.zip.
> Thank you and excuse me to have write directly to you.
> Sincerly,
> Andrea
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Andrea Borruso
> Nadir s.n.c.
> Tel 0039 091580305 interno 218
> Fax 0039 0916124646
> email: aborruso at spaziogis.it
> www.spaziogis.it
> ----------------------------------------------------

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