[Mapserver-users] New Technology
Jon Shorie
jshorie at medinaco.org
Fri May 23 10:03:46 PDT 2003
On Friday 23 May 2003 12:17, Dave McIlhagga wrote:
> MapServer Users,
> Leading up to the MapServer User Meeting in Minnesota, I'd like to take
> a moment to introduce some brand new technology to the community that we
> have been working on over the past 9 months, and are preparing for
> release (open source of course!) at the beginning of June.
> Chameleon is PHP & MapServer based technology that allows for the
> deployment of web mapping applications through the simple use of
> "Widgets" which are HTML-like tags that identify through a series of
> parameters the specific application behaviour for a given widget. So
> for instance if you try the URL I've included below, you'll see this
> application includes map, keymap, fullextent, zoomin, zoomout, scalebar
> and measure widgets plus several others. This only represents a small
> subset of the widgets that will be available in the initial release of
> Chameleon. In addition, an API will be available for the development of
> new PHP widgets that can be developed for Chameleon.
> For us this is the most exciting technology that we feel we will be
> releasing since the original PHP/MapScript was released to the MapServer
> community three years ago. Chameleon runs on MapServer 4.0 with both
> being released prior to the MapServer User Meeting in Minnesota. Look
> for much more information on Chameleon in the upcoming weeks.
> If you'd like to try out an application of Chameleon, here's an
> application showing the location of the upcoming MapServer User Meeting
> in Minnesota:
> http://www.mapsherpa.com/mum/
> We are very keen to get feedback on how this works in a variety of
> browsers and operating systems. We have done a good degree of testing
> in many common environments, but I'm sure there will be quirks in others
> so please let us know if you have any trouble.
> I'll send a follow-on note to the community when Chameleon 1.0 will be
> available to the community. One final note -- we would like to
> acknowledge the funding support provided by GeoConnections of Natural
> Resources Canada for the development of Chameleon that is the base for
> their Configurable Web Mapping Client Component (CWC2) service. You
> will be hearing much more about this at the MapServer User Meeting.
> Enjoy!
> Dave
The site on the link does not seem to work well at all with konqueror.
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